About Us

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I am a home based business mom of 2 beautiful girls. I truly enjoy the flexibility and income it provides and am consistently challenged by the personal growth excelling in this business requires. The person i'm becoming through growing a business but also being a mom is the most amazing gift i can give to my kids and my husband. my children are learning to believe in themselves, dream, have confidence, gratitude, abundance, giving, serving, healthy communication, and solid family values not just through a bedtime book or words, but through my actions. Children will always do what we do not what we say!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Will this blog ever become a habit?

I guess in the midst of moving, running around with a little one, and everything else that consumes our plate of time, the blog has simply taken a backseat. and I really want to get better at it!!! So the last big event we had was Grace's bday and then the move going on about 3 weeks now. Teh house is still a wreck and I've just come to expect it to be that way for quite some time. It will take a while for it to be the way we want it to be. So bear with me as we juggle all the new things going on!
Here's to blogging....AGAIN!
