About Us

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I am a home based business mom of 2 beautiful girls. I truly enjoy the flexibility and income it provides and am consistently challenged by the personal growth excelling in this business requires. The person i'm becoming through growing a business but also being a mom is the most amazing gift i can give to my kids and my husband. my children are learning to believe in themselves, dream, have confidence, gratitude, abundance, giving, serving, healthy communication, and solid family values not just through a bedtime book or words, but through my actions. Children will always do what we do not what we say!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I am proud to announce that everyone is back to normal! Grace is back to her naps and happy as a clam! she is definitely her old self again! We are all cleared out of infections. We were given an antibiotic for her ear, but we went the chiropractic route and it all cleared up. So the pink stuff is still sitting in the fridge. Grace is eating pretty independently at this point. we discovered she loves PB & J at central market yesterday and ate the whole thing! So needless to say we picked up some natural peanut butter (no sugar) and jelly and bread for her to make some this week. Hope mine are just as good as CM's!
Richard is on quite the workout binge lately! Be careful what you ask for- it just may come true....in spades! he's been known to be at the gym for 3 hrs. playing basketball with a group of guys there. I'm getting back into the workout swing myself and enjoying it. 
That's probably it for now. Everything still going well. Richard and I are looking forward to our trip to Vegas in April. I'm so ready for the weather!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Trapped at Home!

Well the Bonds have been a little sick this winter season. I think everything is starting to clear up and we should get back on this more regularly.  Grace is growing like a weed and getting more and more vocal everyday! She points at everything and says "GE!" We think it means Get! This doesn't go too well when we are at Target!!
NO walking yet! still crawling like a speeding champ. she stands well, but then drops and crawls when she wants to go. 
We are all doing better and hope to be back and "breathing" soon! 
Colds are bummers!
